

Namespace: Datasets

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
apply f trnValTst
Signature: f:(Dataset<'?175717> -> '?175718) -> trnValTst:TrnValTst<'?175717> -> '?175718 * '?175718 * '?175718
Type parameters: '?175717, '?175718

Applies the given function to the training, validation and test partions and return the results as a tuple (trn, val, tst).

load filename
Signature: filename:string -> TrnValTst<'S>
Type parameters: 'S

Loads a dataset from an HDF5 file. HDF5 folders called 'Trn', 'Val' and 'Tst' are used to store the dataset parations.

ofDataset dataset
Signature: dataset:Dataset<'?175722> -> TrnValTst<'?175722>
Type parameters: '?175722

Creates the partitioning from the specified dataset using a split of 80%, 10% and 10% for the training, validation and test partitions respectively.

ofDatasetWithRatios (...)
Signature: (trnRatio:float<MeasureOne> * valRatio:float<MeasureOne> * tstRatio:float<MeasureOne>) -> dataset:Dataset<'?175720> -> TrnValTst<'?175720>
Type parameters: '?175720

Creates the partitioning from the specified dataset using the specified training, validation, test splits.

save filename this
Signature: filename:string -> this:TrnValTst<'S> -> unit
Type parameters: 'S

Saves this dataset to disk in an HDF5 file. HDF5 folders called 'Trn', 'Val' and 'Tst' are used to store the dataset parations.

toCuda this
Signature: this:TrnValTst<'S> -> TrnValTst<'S>
Type parameters: 'S

Copies the given dataset to a CUDA GPU.

toHost this
Signature: this:TrnValTst<'S> -> TrnValTst<'S>
Type parameters: 'S

Copies the given dataset to the host.

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