

Namespace: SymTensor

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
Signature: SizeSpecT

broadcastable size one

canEval ss
Signature: ss:SizeSpecT -> bool

true, if evaluation to numeric shape is possible

containedSizeSymbols ss
Signature: ss:SizeSpecT -> Set<SizeSymbolT>

returns the set of all contained SizeSymbols

containsSymbol sym ss
Signature: sym:SizeSymbolT -> ss:SizeSpecT -> bool

true if the specified SizeSymbol occurs in the SizeSpec

equalWithBroadcastability ssa ssb
Signature: ssa:SizeSpecT -> ssb:SizeSpecT -> bool

True if both sizes have the same number of elements and are both broadcastable or non-broadcastable.

equalWithoutBroadcastability ssa ssb
Signature: ssa:SizeSpecT -> ssb:SizeSpecT -> bool

True if both sizes have the same number of elements. Broadcastable and non-broadcastable are treated as equal.

eval ss
Signature: ss:SizeSpecT -> int64

evaluate symbolic size specification to a number

extractSymbol s
Signature: s:SizeSpecT -> SizeSymbolT

extracts the size symbol

fix s
Signature: s:int64 -> SizeSpecT

fixed integer size

fixFrac nom dnm
Signature: nom:int64 -> dnm:int64 -> SizeSpecT

fixed fractional size

Signature: SizeSpecT

not-broadcastable size one

simplify ss
Signature: ss:SizeSpecT -> SizeSpecT

simplify size specification

substSymbols symVals ss
Signature: symVals:Map<SizeSymbolT,SizeSpecT> -> ss:SizeSpecT -> SizeSpecT

substitute the symbols into the SizeSpec and simplifies it

symbol s
Signature: s:string -> SizeSpecT

symbolic size

tryEval ss
Signature: ss:SizeSpecT -> int64 option

evaluate symbolic size specification to a number

Signature: SizeSpecT

size zero

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