

Namespace: Tensor.Utils

Permutation utilities

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
apply perm lst
Signature: perm:int list -> lst:'?184073 list -> '?184073 list
Type parameters: '?184073

permutes the list using the given permutation

chain perm1 perm2
Signature: perm1:int list -> perm2:int list -> int list

returns the permutation that would result in applying perm1 after perm2

identity size
Signature: size:int -> int list

identity permutation of given size

invert perm
Signature: perm:int list -> int list

inverts the given permutation

is perm
Signature: perm:int list -> bool

true if the given list is a permutation of the numbers 0 to perm.Length-1

isIdentity perm
Signature: perm:int list -> bool

true if then given permutation is the identity permutation

length perm
Signature: perm:int list -> int

the length of the given permutation

Active patterns

Active patternDescription
( |Swap|_| ) perm
Signature: perm:int list -> (int * int) option

permutation is a swap of two elements

CompiledName: |Swap|_|

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